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Saturday, March 31, 2007

ok, taking a break from finishing up my last paragraph for my malay composition. as soon as that one is done, i'm gonna have to start on my second one. (sorry cikgu.. dah lama saya hutang cikgu kedua-dua karangan ni...saya janji, saya pass up hari isnin..betul..paling lambat pun hari rabu)

anyway, there was Crescent Learning Fest today! basically, it's to promote learning among the crescentians and also our cluster schools, so there was a bunch of things organised like workshops, exhibitions and performances. for us crescentians, we have our class costume parade. this year's is Reel Art, so that means each class is supposed to send in 5-8 representatives and come up with something based on a movie and act out a scene from it. my class chose Chronicles of Narnia. in any case, we didn't win the top prizes but who cares? at least my classmates put in effort. haha..

the school also invited a few guest performers, notably Beats Society crew including Richard J and my favourite local hiphop duo, SLEEQ!!!! i watched Sleeq perform from the 3rd floor, and the best part was, i was in the shade while groups of admiring crescentians sat in the sweltering sun. haha.. then when rauzan started singing My First Storybook, Ferind dragged me to the AVT to catch some air con and watched a bit of High School Musical.. haha..

seeing some of the crescentians hanging out with guys from other schools, it reminds me of my primary school friends, especially the guys. they are such a kecoh bunch of people. haha..they can cause a sunny day to rain and a rainy day to be sunny. well, you catch my drift..

ok, going back to my karangan's last paragraph. then i'm leaving the other one till tomorrow.

and i'm craving for kacang puteh. and i still haven't found my dream epok-epok and teh tarik. and i also want bubur cha cha, and i mean a proper one, not like the one at Horizon Food Mall Causeway Point. even the chendol there is not satisfiable. the chendol (the green thingey) is too hard and not soft like last time. and it's just not the same old chendol that i know of.

i know we're trying to globalise Singapore, but i beg the concerned people: please preserve our original, rich food culture. chendol is supposed to be green and soft, not pale green and taste as if it's really made of flour. and bubur cha cha is supposed to contain proper sweet potato. you know, cubed and orange. not cut anyhow, white and doesn't taste like sweet potato.

and maybe i should stop being so random about food. ok, back to my karangan, seriously.

mak cakap, jangan hutang-hutang orang.. nanti susah..jadi saya akan pastikan yang saya akan habiskan semua -ok, tak semua, tapi kebanyakan- kerja saya yang tertunggak sejak sebelum cuti sekolah mac. syabas syafiqah. teruskan usaha anda untuk terus hutang kerja rumah.

ok ok ok.. i'm really heading back to my karangan.

11:45 pm

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

thanks to ferind, i discovered that this song exist:

我不会怪你 对我的伪装
wu bu hui guai ni, dui wo de wei zhuang
I won't blame you for bluffing me

tian shi zai ren jian shi gai chang hao chi bang
Angel should cover up their wings in the mortal world

ren men yu chun lu mang, er ni xian xi shan liang
Humans are slow to think and harsh
whereas you are kind hearted

怎能让你 为了我被碰伤
zhen neng rang ni wei le wo bei peng shang
How can I let you get hurt just because of me?

小小的手掌 厚厚的温暖
xiao xiao de shou zhang, hou hou de wen nuan
the small small palm, the thickness of warmth

ni zong neng ping fu wo bu an de ye wan
you always calm the uneasiness of my heart at night

不敢想的梦想 透过你的眼光
bu gan xiang de meng xiang, tou guo ni de yan guang
the dream that i ran away from, when i look into your eyes

我才看见 它原来在前方
wo cai kan jian, ta yuan lai zai qian fang
i saw that my dream is just infront

mei you shui neng ba ni qiang li wo shen pang
no one can take you away from my side

你是我的 专属天使
ni shi wo de zhuan shu tian shi
you're my personal angel

wei wo neng du zhan
that belongs to only me

mei you shui neng qu dai ni zai wo xin shang
no one can replace you in my heart

拥有一个 专属天使
yong you yi ge zhuan shu tian shi
having a personal angel

我哪里还需要 别的愿望
wo na li hai xu ya bie de yuan wang
what kind of other wishes i can have?

小小的手掌 大大的力量
xiao xiao de shou zhang, da da de li liang
a small small palm yet with a big strength

我一定也会 像你一样飞翔
wo yi ding ye hui xiang ni yi yang fei xiang
i will soar just like you

你想去的地方 就是我的方向
ni xiang qu de di fang, jiu shi wo de fang xiang
where you wanna go, is where i'll go to

有我保护 笑容尽管灿烂
you wo bao hu, xiao rong jing guan can lan
having your protection, my smiles are as bright as the sun

mei you shui neng ba ni qiang li wo shen pang
no one can take you away from my side

你是我的 专属天使ni shi wo de zhuan shu tian shi
you're my personal angel

wei wo neng du zhan
that belongs to only me

mei you shui neng qu dai ni zai wo xin shang
no one can replace you in my heart

拥有一个 专属天使
yong you yi ge zhuan shu tian shi
having a personal angel

我哪里还需要 别的愿望
wo na li hai xu yao bie de yuan wang
what kind of other wishes i can have?

yao bu shi ni chu xian
If it wasn't you that appear

wo yi ding hai zai cheng shui
i would have been still asleep

绝望的以为 生命只有黑夜
jue wang de yi wei, shen ming zhi you hei ye
I thought that life revolves only around the night

mei you shui neng ba ni qiang li wo shen pang
no one can take you away from my side

你是我的 专属天使
ni shi wo de zhuan shu tian shi
you're my personal angel

wei wo neng du zhan
that belongs to only me

mei you shui neng qu dai ni zai wo xin shang
no one can replace you in my heart

拥有一个 专属天使
yong you yi ge zhuan shu tian shi
having a personal angel

我哪里还需要 别的愿望
wo na li hai xu yao, bie de yuan wang
what kind of other wishes i can have?

(chinese charachters + hanyu pinyin + english translation)

10:06 pm

maybe this week is my emo week. all i want to do is sit down in one corner of a room and brood and listen to all the westlife etc love songs on my handphone. no, seriously. i thought i would only be emo on monday. i was emo yesterday. i was emo today. hell, might as well be emo the whole week, right?

i'm not stressed by anything, to be honest. i've learned to take things into my stride so they're all manageable. is it cos england really made the supporters so malu in Euro? or is it just me who's so damn worried about that person?

i want a nice plate of epok-epok (you know those authentic malay ones with that ultra-nice sardine or potato filling and is hand-made?) and a refreshing cup of teh tarik to go with it. i think that will really help me a lot.

10:06 pm

Sunday, March 25, 2007

i'm posting cos i'm bored. and you know what? you get the best crap out of me at 11+, as witnessed by siti last night on msn. we were rubbishing big time on msn that my sides hurt from laughing so much! HAHA! but hey, that's a very common thing i do when i'm msn-ing with siti and my close friends: crap. a lot.

i don't know, but i seem to get all my creative, insane ideas late in the night. and they usually turn out pretty good. haha.. by the way, siti and i are planning to compile all our crap and remake them into a film. there's a lot of episodes, such as The Multi-Personality Auntie and Fiqah; Attack Of The Evil, Furry, White Rabbit; The MSN Jam - We Kena Ban! see? the titles are already rubbish, so just imagine the stories. haha..

and i thought i got no sense of humour.. haha.. but seriously, half the time, it's accidental. i'll be meaning to deadpan someone's comment and then she ends up laughing.. it's either something's wrong with me or it's them.. oohh.. they're the mental ones, not me.. argghhh!!!! save me from their evil clutches! nooo!!! i don't want to be infected by the crapping syndrome!

ok, that was fricking lame..

anyway, bought Silky Girl Liquid Foundation 03 Medium and Maybelline's Unstoppable mascara at John Little just now (storewide sale from 10% discount onwards). i hope i got the right foundation colour and the Unstoppable better be as good as it proclaims to be. if not ah.. wah lao.. waste money only..

i need to fix my hair. no, i love the length and how it semi-curls in naturally. but it's rather dry and puffy. what should i do with it? rebond it? dunk my hair in olive oil everyday? go for hair spa treatment? what??

and england drew with israel and are now lying third. no wonder people love to love and slam the team at the same time. if they don't make it for Euro 2008, serves them right. let them feel very malu, then maybe they buck up. otherwise they'll just be floating around thinking they're very good and popular.. wtf. if that was real, they would have won the world cup at least 3 times. but did they? no, of course not. everytime they enter world cup or international competition, they only malu themselves in front of the world audience. and then got face some more to say the English league is the best in the world. (eh, to THAT player, if you want to dive in a game and ruin the beauty of it, just tell us lah. like so what like that.. if falling all over the ground, even my grandma can do that..and she will definitely get you guys a penalty and she will SLOT it in and not miss it completely by kicking it like some rugby ball) lol.. sometimes these bunch of people are so fricking gullible i don't know whether to cry or laugh..

chemistry and geography tomorrow! the amazon rainforest will be fun to talk about.. haha..
and oh yeah, i hope i don't break another test-tube..who knows, i may break the bunsen burner or something seemingly unbreakable instead.. (and please, no more chem-instead-of-haemoglobin-in-the-blood jokes..)

11:54 pm

Thursday, March 22, 2007

today was a sloww day unlike yesterday.. maybe the toll of the new term workload is initiating its effects, so by midweek, we slowed down. anyway, that doesn't stop para, me and sankari from crapping. during social studies, we were supposed to discuss about the factors leading to the Sri Lanka crisis. ok, we did that, then suddenly para asked what are we gonna eat for lunch tomorrow before a maths lesson. then she said she wanted kfc, but then school rule states we cannot order stuffs as we please. so i was like, then just smuggle the thing lah.. we dig underground route so the kfc guy can send us the food..haha.. ok, that was quite lame, but it was enough to get para drawing kfc chicken drumlets and fries during english..haha..

young lions beat woodlands wellington 1-0! yay! actually i'm impressed by the young lions; although most of them are a bunch of relatively unknown youths, they play as well as their predecessor like shahril ishak and ridhuan muhd. btw, there's another ridhwan in the new squad.. haha..

found out that my teacher supports inter milan.. which is surprising since inter is..well.. to put it mildly, a good team with a few disciplinary problems like materazzi and recently, julio cruz. but i didn't say that out loud, of course. that would have been mean, and then it'll be like the conversation para and i had about WC.. never-ending. haha..

you know how weird it is that Euro Championships will only be in 2008, but it takes a long time to even get through the qualifiers? the last qualifier matches were played at the end of last year, and only now they're resuming it... but i hope New Paper will give out football goodies like what they did for Euro'04 (DVD-Cardz) and WC06 (DVDs). so how ernest luis? can ask your boss? (:

10:57 pm

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

jialat..my wireless was unstable just now.. so had to keep switching the wireless on and off repeatedly until it's running normally again..

today felt like a really fast day at school.. it's like one minute, we're having lessons, the next minute it's recess, and then it's lessons again and dismissal as usual at 1.45pm. and today's a supposedly "heavy" day with a lot of subjects. time seem to fly by real fast today..

anyway, Crescent is facing off Teck Whye Sec tomorrow for hockey finals. tasneem was like going round asking for people to come down to Delta to support them. it's not that i don't want to, but i miss LD SYF prac 2 times already, Mr M's gonna kill me for "lack of commitment". sekali worse come to worse i kena strike off the SYF participation list. but tasneem, all the best for your match! <33

haha.. that sankari sometimes can be very blur. during the 5-min break during chem, i was bored so i just turned around and talked with para n sankari about football in general. i don't know how the topic shifted into which nation we supported (other than Singapore lah.. our Temasek is always number one!), especially during the world cup.

(not exact..just the gist of it)
para: eh, which country you support ah? like for world cup.."

me: England!

para and sankari: ee..england? why?

me: cos they very lousy mah.. haha..

para: (very sudden) i hate argentina..

me: me too..last time they lost 3-1 to Brazil..

sankari: but then now the argentina team different what..last time during world cup all their players all old one..now a lot of young players.

me: haha..yeah..actually, i don't really support brazil lah.. they like very over-supported..everyone also support them..

para: yeah..oh, and you people know ghana? yeah, i also support them in WC.. i don't care about the players lah..i only support them cos they play good..

me: haha..yeah.. and then got this one match right, they play against czech republic? wah.. the czec keeper kena malu lah.. kena defend on his own.. haha.. 2 goals eh.. chelsea top keeper some more..

yuki: (interjects) i support japan!!

me: lah..obviously lah.. haha.. (yuki's japanese) eh, then japan got play with brazil right?

para: yeah.. but brazil very lousy lah during WC.. but then got that ronaldo.. last time he top scorer right?

sankari: yeah.. he scored 5 goals..win silver boot right?

me and para: huh? silver boot? golden boot lah..

sankari: but i thought during WC they give silver boot.. no ah?

me: (laughing ready) no lah sis.. golden boot lah.. they give gold colour trophy shaped like boot..but ronaldo should retire ready ah.. he was fat during WC..

para: yeah..but he used to be top scorer..

me: don't care lah.. he was still fat..

para: but many clubs want him eh..

me: yeah..i still can't believe AC Milan bought him.. so unexpected lah..

ok, then mr lee cleared his throat to signal that chem was gonna resume, so we had to end our football debate there. eh, wonder which club my teachers support.. i know ms ang support liverpool..the rest i don't know lah..

tomorrow is sleague clash between young lions and woodlands wellington. i want to go.. but it's at jalan besar stadium.. very far from my house.. and i'm stuck between the two clubs cos i support the young lions, which is the U-23 squad, but then i also have this affection for woodlands wellington sicne they're my hometown team. so i always opt to be neutral when these two meet.. so whoever wins, i'm happy.. haha..

just saw EPL Highlights on Ch 5 just now..actually, still watching, but saw the MU highlights earlier.. and i was left speechless seing cristiano ronaldo play. he was the heart of MU's attack. for MU's second goal, by Rooney, he crossed the ball to another player, collected it again and almost glided in the air at the speed that he was sprinting before laying out a low, accurate cross to Rooney who chipped in the goal. that was simply beautiful. another one that i particularly like was Alan Smith sent in a high cross that nicely fell at the running Rooney's legs and BAM! in the goal went!!

and paul robinson, tottenham hotspurs's and england no. 1 keeper, managed to score a goal through a free kick from his own half. the ball sort of lambasted into the air and floated into the goalpost after it bounced quickly in front of England no. 2 keeper ben foster. wah lau.. felt really bad for foster (and not just because he's actually a MU player on loan at Watford).. very malu man the incident..

haha..i think enough football for you people today.. but for me, it never ends!

11:18 pm

Monday, March 19, 2007

first day of the new term, and it couldn't have started better than today. well, actually it could, but today's considered quite okay for a schoolday.

so basically, the manchester united rounded up my holiday week sweetly with a beautiful 4-1 crushing of bolton, with the match bearing the trademark of Cristiano Ronaldo. the dazzling portuguese winger was the mastermind behind the goals, two each coming from park ji-sung and english gem wayne rooney. he weaved in and out of the defense, making a mockery out of bolton with manchester united being 3-0 up by half-time. it would have been a perfect score if Gary Speed didn't manage to perfect his penalty. whatever the case, the Devils have shown the world that injuries to major players in the team will not affect their spirit but instead, make them more determined to prove the critics wrong.

anyway, the weather was nice this morning; really cloudy, so i didn't feel that warm. and i got a surprise when i walked into class today; Debbie had left a Kinder Bueno bar on my desk, sort of like a birthday gift. (Thanks Deb!!! you are the rockiest vice-chair ever! <3 ) and then Nurun gave me a birthday card and a necklace with a purple heart locket. (aww... so nice of you amiga.. <3 ) and i'm getting a lot of belated birthday wishes today, haha (in no particular order and those i can remember so far) :


english was first period and it was rather slack cos Mr Tan understood that it was the first day of the term and nobody feels like doing work. haha.. so he only gave us a newspaper article to comment on, and even that became homework. and he extended our holiday homework until the end of the week. he was so nice lah! and then he told us about his days at NUS, when they had to do flag day. it was rather interesting lah..

geography was next. ms karen tan was uber-nice today, and then she told us to prepare for a "debate" on whether parts of the amazon rainforest should be cut down for modernisation. i was in the "deforestation is necessary and good" group.

after recess was chemistry practical. and i'm gonna remember this lesson cos this was the first lesson where a test tube managed to slip from my hand and shatter. i tell you, they should start making test tubes out of some special plastic. pyrex breaks. anyway, malu seh tadi. ingatkan nak tanya teacher aku random question macam club mana dia sokong. alik-alik, pecahkan test tube pulak..

a maths was fun but confusing. ms ang had us entranced with alpha and beta for the quadratic equations. "alpha + beta = -b over a" "alphabeta = c over a" "therefore, x can be represented as x square - (sum of roots) + (product of roots)" and then there was homework. i was rather enthusiastic to do it, cos of all the alpha beta thing. sekali forgot to bring home my a maths book, and homework due tomorrow. terok lah like this!

11:23 pm

Friday, March 16, 2007

15 years ago, i was born..

not much to blog about since the only other interesting (but then not so interesting) thing was Woodlands 1-1 draw with Balestier. haiz.. wasted dok.. but i'm looking forward to the Tampines-Young Lions clash tomorrow. go young lions!

anyway, the list of the people who've wished me happy birthday in the order of when they wished me (as of 0900 GMT):

izza (sis, pagi2 on hp aje dh ada ur sms.. thx and <3 you!)

my mom, my dad, my brother (thx for the $50 poccilini bag n matching wallet.. can use it for the new term! thank you!! and of course, <33333333333 a lot cos without my family, i'm nobody)

nazura (thx for ur wish n also thx for being my first friend in my first day at Andalus Admiralty this year! <3 )

siti humaira (thx so much sahabat! and iya, i will think hard mana nak pergi for our outing.. and for all our years in friendship - dh lama sangat sampai tak terkira, hahas.. i noe lah it's almost 8 years! - thanks and <3 you a lot!)

and thank you Allah for letting me live another day. because if You hadn't allowed this, i would have never experienced my birthday today.

4:43 pm

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ok, some random stuff first
http://www.GraffitiGen.com/ - Graffiti - Graffiti Creator
http://www.GraffitiGen.com/ - Graffiti - Graffiti Creator - MySpace Layouts

so let me try to understand and explain why pink piqued my interest nowadays. ok, my perfumes are all pink, cos they smell pink and contains rose petals scent. so that's understood. now, i've always tried to stay away from pink, because me in pink = clash. which is weird cos many people say my skin's fair, but seriously, me + pink = clash. so why the sudden acceptance of pink? possible answers:

- i got sick of black
- it reminds me of my Victoria Beckham perfume
- cos some of my stuffs (i.e. countable.. as in 2 or 3 only) are pink
- cos it's pastel = fresh on the eyes
- cos i feel like seeing pink nowadays

well, who cares? as long as it's not neon or fluorescent or hot pink (wah liao, cannot angkat man these colours..those who have 20/20 vision can suddenly have myopia), i'm fine with it.

anyway, there's this song by Letto, entitiled Sandaran Hati. i love the song!! and no, it's not actually a love song. it has religious connotations to it, about some guy who just feels so lost in his life that he tries to look for a way to get closer to God. but i was too mesmerized by the tune to not realize it until i saw the lyrics:

Sandaran Hati oleh Letto

Yakinkah ku berdiri
Di hampa tanpa tepi
Bolehkah aku

Terkubur dalam emosi
Tanpa bisa bersembunyi
Aku dan nafasku

Terpuruk ku di sini
Teraniaya sepi
Dan ku tahu pasti
Kau menemani

Dalam hidupku

Teringat ku teringat
Pada janjiMu ku terikat
Hanya sekejap ku berdiri
Kulakukan sepenuh hati
Peduli ku peduli
Siang dan malam yang berganti
Sedihku ini tak ada arti
Jika Kaulah sandaran hati
Kaulah sandaran hati
Sandaran hati

Inikah yang Kau mau
Benarkah ini jalanMu
Hanyalah Engkau yang ku tuju
Pegang erat tanganku
Bimbing langkah kakiku
Aku hilang arah
Tanpa hadirMu
Dalam gelapnya
Malam hariku

and anyway, again, random: to all my friends (CGS, TKGS, RGS, WGPS'04), teachers and people in the world who make me feel belonged to this Earth, <33333 !!

11:26 pm

Sunday, March 11, 2007

ooh..i've hit 51 posts.. i never knew that until i somehow bothered to check..haha..

anyway, the march school holidays are supposed to have started. i'm saying supposed because i thought i could start waking up at around 9 or 10 am for the next 11 days or so, but it just turns out that i still have to wake up at around 5.30am due to enrichment classes and what-have-yous. and the course that i chose (some bio-infommatics stuff.. measuring your stress level by using your saliva is innovative enough) drags all the way to 3.30pm. ok, so it's my fault that i chose it, but hey, it's interesting to see how you can test your stress level using your saliva. then what? stick a litmus paper to it to see if it turns neon? (man, sometimes i just sound so harsh..)

and then there's the holiday homework. i forgot to bring home my bio workbook so i guess i'll have to make a trip to class after the course. see? so much homework until i can't remember everything. but ok, i'm not complaining.

you know how it is when you feel that you know your subjects but then you open up the workbook without a textbook as your aid and you see so many blanks? i swear i know my chemistry and geography, but then i just can't seem to do them. so do i know them or not? and talking about chemistry, that practical my class did to test the properties of acids was fun. all the air pressure of the gases building up in the test-tube and lighted splint.

chelsea managed to salvage a 3-3 draw with Spurs in the FA Cup. lol.. was laughing out loud when chelsea kena 1-3 by spurs in the first half. skali they managed to sneak 2 goals in to save their sorry a**e. ah well.. that's football. and the UEFA Champions League draw was out about 2 days ago. Manchester United will face AS Roma. Roo-naldo, Giggs and co. vs Totti, De Rossi and co. World Cup players vs World Cup winners (and i'm still dissatisfied Italy won..shouldn't have deserved it). i'm relishing the thought of waking up at 3am to watch the matches. haha.. haven't done that for a long time.

you know, if we look at it closely, there's a possibility of an all-English finals. Man Utd vs Chelsea/Liverpool, provided we beat AS Roma and AC Milan/Bayern Munich. hey, that'll be cool. it'll really be a showdown because then both teams are fighting for their reputation and glory. but better liverpool than chelsea as opponents. make the game more shiok and meaningful.

talking about manchester united and football, germaine and yuki have been putting up posters of superstars in our class. para, sankari and i decided it's high time we chope the left side of the class and the back for our football posters. there's this small wall section at the side of our desks, and we're thinking of converting it into a Man Utd shrine, or something like that. para's gonna bring the banner, i'm gonna bring in the posters. and together we'll build a man utd "empire" in 3G3..mwahaha.. get lost all ye liverpool and especially arsenal and chelsea fans!!

haha.. naw..i ain't that evil.. if there's space, will probably have a liverpool one. depends what our teachers like. but then if mr lee likes man utd also good, then we can forget about bothering to set up a liverpool and arsenal block. i feel so reluctant to put up posters of my rivals..

know what? i think i'm gonna buy adidas floral dream. i'm starting to like the scent..haha.. i was browsing through john little when i tried it. earlier i had smelled Chupa Chups Love Trap. it doesn't really suit me. i prefer perfumes or scents that have a heavy base, like sandalwood and musk. vanilla will be a nice middle note. a not-so-strong floral scent should complete the whole package of my Dream Scent. Adidas Floral Dream fulfilled the top note part. but i've yet to find a scent that i've become so accustomed to like the Intimately Beckham for Women body spray.

11:01 pm

Thursday, March 08, 2007

if people can start trying to take more sense of responsibility and do their part of the job, then there's no reason for me to get so riled up and pissed until i feel like giving that fella whoever she/he is a punch in the face. if they're not happy with certain stuffs, hey, TELL ME. this is a free world, man. unless lah they "forgot". again and again and again until it makes me so muak and SICK of the whole fricking situation!!!! so if you people who terasa, suddenly feel u are guilty big time of making me so FED UP with you lot, then good for you. admit it to me, and let me hentam you until you collapse. or even if you flat out already and i still am not satisfied, sorry dok, geram tetap kena lepas. you don't do your part, it's gonna affect everybody. Read: E V E R Y B O D Y!! the world doesn't revolve around you and you alone (well, except for Ferind.. she's an exception)

i am so pissed today i can't be bothered to even be nice to people. one more thing that bloody annoys me: nonyas and anuties in the mrt during peak hour. eh, if the train is full, can they please use their brains and wait for the next train? and stop squashing people in between them, their friends and their shopping bags. and if the train is already crowded, and many people want to leave, but not them, can they use common sense or not? already know people want to go out, no sense and no brain to remove their hand from the pole and move back a bit so movement will be smooth. but noo... that moronic auntie just stood there, admiring her nails, holding on to the pole while other people were getting squashed around her by the commuters who want to leave the train. (i was tempted to shout at her, "Oi! no brain is it? Or you blind? Can move back or not?" afterwards, a series of complains and curses muttered, aiming at her. ) like what sia... orang tua tak sedar diri kalau nak perasan jadi tai-tai muda tu lantak ah dengan diorang, but please lah, USE YOUR BRAIN!! what's the purpose of that grey matter in our heads huh??!!

11:25 pm

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Upcoming stuffs:
2 March = Siti Humaira's birthday! (happy bday sahabat gue yg tersayang!)
10 March = Bahas Finals (yeah!! me n sharah n nita n mira versus amira et al)
11 March = School Holidayzzz
= Haziq Hazwan's birthda
12 March = Lionel's birthday
15 March = possible class chalet day?
16 March = MY BIRTHDAY!!! (please see wish list attached) the day where i can feed my ego with more ego to beat Ferind's ego who's in love with her, making Ferind love herself


1) a nail buffer from Body Shop
2) Maybelline's Unstoppable mascara
3) a nice-smelling but not so strong Adidas perfume for women (no offense, but tropical passion and floral dream don't cut it for me)
4) any nice-smelling perfume, preferably with basenotes of sandalwood and/or musk and/or vanilla with middle notes of citrus and top notes of rose petals
5) free one-year supply of foolscap paper and pens
6) a new pair of earrings to wear to school
7) a pretty watch
8) all my wishes to come true

12:22 am

the one

Nur Syafiqah Ahmad Jaaffar ex-WGPS 6E'04 Crescent Girl's School syaf_316@hotmail.com

i'm in slytherin!
be sorted @ nimbo.net

tell me the truth


Siti Humaira
Tasneem TKGS
Shi jia

the past matters

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009


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