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Sunday, December 31, 2006

i admit it now; the boy is MAGICAL!! that boy Ronaldo!! 6 goals in 3 games!! ronaldo, ronaldo, dancing down the wings..ronaldo, ronaldo netting yet another in!!! LET ME SCREAM MY HEART OUT! RO-NAL-DOO!!!!!! come on, sing along Stredford End!!

Whoo!!!! we're 6 points clear into the New Year!! chelsea drew 2-2 with Fulham. if there wasn't an own goal, Chelsea wouldn't have won. and Liverpool beat Tottenham 1-0. lol.

We're tops, we're tops, we're 6 points clear of Chel-sea!! we're tops, we're tops, we're leading in the New Year!!

5:04 pm

Saturday, December 30, 2006

i am SO NOT looking forward to school!! can time be reversed so i can enjoy the holidays - again!! but wait, if that happens, when will i graduate? arghh...sometimes time can be so frustrating!!

ok, ok, i'm almost losing my mind!! i have 3 book reviews NOT done yet, and a summary, and 2 newspaper articles to comment. ok, i don't care if it's a slap-dash issue cos next year i' gonna be the ultimate slacker who'll ace her exams and have nice nails and pretty much be herself. wait, how am i gonna have manicured nails when it's against the rules? and buffing of nails is also a no-no. arghh!!! ok,ok, maybe i can use that SilkyLips lipbalm? for prevention of chapped lips, and add a natural tinge to your lips. Unleash your confidence! (ok, that's it..at first it was The Rose diamond with Nazeera, now it's Silky Girl? i should open my own advertising firm..)

12:55 am

Friday, December 29, 2006

ok, the four of us (farid, haziq, siti humaira, me) have actually planned to meet up today and have lunch together. ok, so we planned to meet at 2.30pm at the woodlands mrt. and since it was raining, i left my house at 2.30 . haha..ok, siti left hers at around the same time as well. in fact, we purposely wanted to arrive late cos we know how punctual those guys are.

it was 2.45 when we reached there and still no sign of them! then at about 2.50, farid smsed, saying that haziq would be late, so they'll arrive at 3.30 and he told us to take a walk around causeway point first.

we did. we toured the whole shopping centre from level 1 to level 4, and i accompanied siti to purchase something for her dear. had a lot of choices but we picked up something for him in john little. and soon it was 3.45. no sign of them.

i smsed rid again, asked him where they are, and he told us to meet them outside samuel and kevin because haziq wanted to buy a bag. and they went around all the way until god knows what time.

siti and i lost them after they entered OP. we got fed up and waited outside pizza hut for them. finally, farid smsed us that they want to eat at long john silver. siti and i were pretty annoyed, so we just went into pizza hut and tucked in to our hearts delight. haha! then farid smsed siti, asked us where we were, and we told him we're in pizza hut..

look, we're not evil. we told them to come in and join us from 4.45 all the way to 5.15pm, and they still refused. siti had to go out and fetch them before they join us. they finished up the last two slices of pizza left, as well as the Hut's Platter. ok, i had to serve the pizza slices to them, but it's no big deal as long as they finish them.

and they're never separated from their lame jokes, thankfully. there was this hilarious incident concerning the usage of fork and knife for the pizza..haha..ok, i won't tell to spare them the embarrassment. after that, we headed to john little again to get an adidas perfume for siti's dear. she asked rid and ziq for help with the scents. they did help, but they were far more engrossed in the picture of the model for the Miss Sixty perfume (boys will be boys...)

anw, here's dedicated to all my primary school friends, esp those close to me:


Sahabat sejatiku
Hilangkah dari ingatanmu
Di hari kita saling berbagi
Dengan kotak sejuta mimpi
Aku datang menghampirimu
Kuperlihat semua hartaku

Kita s'lalu berpendapat
Kita ini yang terhebat
Kesombongan di masa muda yang indah
Aku raja kaupun raja
Aku hitam kaupun hitam
Arti teman lebih dari sekedar materi

Pegang pundakku, jangan pernah lepaskan
Bila ku mulai lelah?
Lelah dan tak bersinar
Remas sayapku, jangan pernah lepaskan
Bila ku ingin terbang?
Terbang meninggalkanmu

Ku s'lalu membanggakanmu
Kaupun s'lalu menyanjungku
Aku dan kamu darah abadi
Demi bermain bersama
Kita duakan segalanya
Merdeka kita, kita merdeka

Tak pernah kita pikirkan
Ujung perjalanan ini
Tak usah kita pikirkan
Akhir perjalanan ini

3:45 pm

Monday, December 25, 2006

My Christmas Wishlist

with the few minutes left, here are the things I would like:

1) Manchester United do the Treble - again!!

2) to actually enjoy school in 2007 - how come my school life sucks? i mean, it can't be fun like the one which the kids had in Wai Rai High School?

3) Mr Keong as my Maths teacher and Mrs Ow as my History teacher

4) me and my primary school friends to be as close as before - if not, closer!

5) buy and learn to apply mascara

6) learn how Ima and Inul do their goyang

7) and finally, World Peace!

3:55 pm

let's ignore the fact that all of the songs in this album are covers..the main thing is, I LOVE IT!!!!

ok,ok, let's backtrack to nearly 8 hours ago. i was at Music Junction this afternoon and bought Westlife: The Love Album and U2 18 Singles after wondering if i should buy them for the past weeks. and i was pretty apprehensive about buying the Westlife album because the last time they did a full cover album, it was chaos. but not this time! this time they're relieving..haha.. Face To Face was much better because there were original songs.but The Love Album is just cover versions of their favourite love songs, which is a much, much better idea than doing a ratpack album.

yeah, boybands will always remain boybands. they sound gay to the guys, but unfortunately we girls just love them. haha..yes. and i loved westlife by listening to them first before i bought their greatest hits and decided that shane, nicky and mark are cute. haha..but hey, they grow up from boys to men, and i grow out of the whole "Shane is soooo cute!!" moment (but yes, i was pretty disappointed when nicky and shane got married, and mark revealed he's gay..)

ok, anyway, back to The Love Album. i love almost all of the songs, especially The Rose, All Out Of Love, Have You Ever Been In Love and All Or Nothing. love it love it love it!!! (and this is the third time straight i'm spinning the disc!)

and Manchester United beat Aston Villa 3-0! 2 from (i disagree with this but according to popular views) pretty boy Cristiano Ronaldo and another by my favourite (but widely underrated) player who used to score bombs of goals, Paul Scholes! he scores goals galore..haha..

12:39 am

Saturday, December 23, 2006

i kept replaying these two songs (Kamu Dan Kamu, Jera) over and over again..ok, fine i'm stuck between two. one used to be my friend, the other one is my friend. and it's hard,ok? cos they're polar opposites...and the worst thing is, i like both. i don't want to say love cos, well, i don't think i want to use it cos it's too strong. and yes, i've been stuck with this whole deal since what, nearly 4 years ago? i don't know on their part, i just know on my part. and i just get fed up cos even after i've sit down and think about it, i still can't understand my heart. it frustrates me a lot. and i don't even know what to do. sometimes i feel like i just want to tell my friend, confront the issue and get over with it.

entah lah.. kalau boleh aku nak ambl wudhu', solat sunat, berzikir, doa agar hati aku tenang..tapi tak boleh sebab tengah time tu.. ya Allah, apa sepatutnya aku buat?

12:25 am

i have absolutely nothing to do with the planning of the gathering! Absolutamente nada!! (and when i start rambling in broken spanish and firey indonesian and terrible french...)

gue itu udah capek nunggu mereke tuk buat keputusan. emangnya tiap-tiap hari gue harus telefon mereka, "hello, rid, ziq. emangnya kapan ya loe semua mahukan gathering itu? esok? lusa? atau lepas tamat SMA?" it's like a total waste of time!! diplan dari pertengahan bulan lalu, kok hingga hujung bulan ini masih belum bisa jalaninnya???

gue kini nyaris-nyaris tukar jadi siska aka bawang merah aka cewek antagonis dalam sinetron bawang merah bawang putih. mahu aja gue habisin mereka dan pastikan kalau mereka itu semua tahu siapa sih siska yg tersirat dalam diri gue!! eeee!!! gue itu marah banget sih!! kayaknya mahu pers mereka hingga jadi lempeng!

gak, mungkin lebih baik gue tukar jadi rika sumanto, mamanya siska, yang ternyata lebih kejam dan benar-benar dasar iblis. kalau begitu, gue itu bisa lakuin apa sahaja tanpa rasa kesal! iya, barangkali gue itu harus nangkapin mereka dan panggang mereka kayak ayam di bbq...atau tembak aja mereka dengan pistol atau lebih keren lagi (dan lebih gampang tuk habisin mereka) dengan senapang gajah! ~whoo!!!! mungkin lepas itu baru gue puas!!

ya udah, gue itu ngaku kalau gue itu bukan sebaik-baik manusia, tapi gue itu gak kejam mahu ngelakuin itu segala sama teman-teman gue. tapi kalau gue itu udah hilang sabar....awas mereka!

12:25 am

Thursday, December 21, 2006

the W810i's camera is so cool! the effects can be changed into bnw, negative, sepia, solarize or normal. took a pic of scholesy off the Inside United mag in sepia and it was whoa!!! Paul Scholes is the ultimate Red legend! ok, i know most will say Charlton, or Cantona, or Keano (and the blind ones will say Beckham). but to me, Scholes is the guy! i mean, i didn't grow up watching charlton or cantona play. sure, i like keano, but Scholes is my first United hero! and after that Giggs. and after Giggs, Keano. and after Keano, don't know. haha..

and i don't know what the gathering plan is coming to..the date is nearing and nothing's done!! arghh!!!!!

ok, fine, i'll admit it, i'm bored. B. O. R. E. D. and having stomach pain - again. could be that "time of the month for us ladies" is coming soon, but can it not hurt so much??

11:48 pm

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

finally switched to my W810i after contemplating whether or not to remove my SIM card from my N6610i and place it in the Sony Ericsson phone. i bought it last month, but sort of delayed the switching time cos hey, i still love my Nokia. anw, switched to the new phone and my fingers are getting used to it, so no problem.

and Warna 94.2fm is now playing hari raya songs in conjunction to the Hari Raya Aidiladha that's coming up soon!! whee!! ok, actually aidiladha isn't as widely celebrated as aidilfitri, but it's still a time to catch up with my relatives :) and get to eat all the nice food..haha..

my music taste is weird. i mean, i never get tired of songs by sudirman (which are considered oldies), but i do get sick of the latest hiphop tunes sometimes. right now i'm listening to sudirman's duet with anita sarawak, Bercanda Di Pasiran Pantai. gosh, it's so romantic :) but my favourite sudirman songs are Salam Terakhir and Terasing! these two songs have really touching lyrics. in Salam Terakhir, it's about this guy who's dying and saying goodbye to all his family and friends. while Terasing is about this guy who's in love with a girl but they're separated in the end because she left (i think she died). ok, so maybe i'm a sentimental sucker, but i love the melody and i love the lyrics as well. i just can't help it..

11:30 pm

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

(noises coming from players entering dressing room during half-time. Shushing each other up as jose mourinho enters)

JM: and you call that the performance of champions? I’m not looking at champions.

Players: All right, gaffer!

JM: no, it is not all right, gaffer. Shut up Makelele. I am the manager of this team, and who am I?

Players: You are the Special One!

JM: Yes, I’m the Special One. But that performance was not special. It made me laugh and champions should not make me laugh. If I want to laugh, maybe I listen to Damien doing a car insurance set. Damien, do it, make me laugh. Now.

Damien Duff: I’m selling car insurance, pretty cool.

JM: Yeah, very funny. Now, Drogba, first half, pathetic. (Drogba argues) No, if you want, I can replace you. no, it’s no problem, I can do it. www.amazon.co.uk, searchword rooney, 35.5 million. (no,no!) No problem, I can do it. I can do it. If you want me to press buy, (no, please gaffer) then listen to the Special One?

Didier Drogba: Ok, Ok

JM: Ok. Second half, vocal exercises, midfield. Now.

Midfield: Woahouah..

JM: Very good. Defense, breathe, and vocal.

Defense: Woahouah..

JM: Very good. You are ready, I think? Ok, ok, ok, ok, it’s time for the song. (excited yells from the players. Shush..) Last week – shut up vocals – last week we beat arsenal. And that is for you, don’t look back in anger.

Players: Don’t look back in anger!

JM: Shush. Shut up, shut up Damien, shut up. This week I do for you, the Special One.

Players: You are the Special One!

JM: I know I’m the Special One. But this week, it’s a very special song. And this one is called Jose & His Amazing Technicolor Overcoat.

I close my eyes
And stand there grinning (woahouah)
We can’t stop winning (woahouah)
You’ll be grinning too

When I first came (when he first came)
I was delighted (woahouah)
Could have managed United (woahouah)
But anything will do

I wore my coat (he wears his coat)
The world is merry (woahouah)
I’ve got John Terry (woahouah)
And Drogba too

I switch them round (he switch his rounds)
They all are playing (woahouah)
I like rotating (woahouah)
This team, anything will do

A corner kick is just enough
A little flick from Damien Duff
The ball flies right into the net
And we are 1-0 up (1-0 up, 1-0 up, 1-0 up)

May I return (may he return)
To the beginning (woahouah)
So easy winning (woahouah)
When your team is blue (blue is the colour)

We can’t go wrong (we can’t go wrong)
I am in heaven (woahouah)
Playing whatever eleven (woahouah)
Anything will do

JM: Now, go and be champions. Be champions. Love it. And if you don’t do it, you can kill yourself. Take that from me. Be champions!

1:54 am

Thursday, December 14, 2006

came across this while i was doing my usual reading on redcafe.net:

Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has named just six players during his reign at Old Trafford as being genuine world class.

Ferguson said: "I've been blessed with several world-class players.

"Peter Schmeichel was certainly one.

"Ryan Giggs, for me, definitely. Eric Cantona could have been even better, but for the parts of him you had to control.

"Wayne Rooney. That's four - and I think Ronaldo is going to be. He's playing in the hardest position, out wide, and never refuses to take the ball and attack players.

"He's two-footed, he's brave and, once his decision-making improves, he'll be world-class without question. Then there's Roy Keane. That's five.

"And there's an argument for Paul Scholes, the cleverest midfield player we've ever had.

"To work with such people has been an absolute pleasure.

"It's fulfilled every aspiration that occurred to me when I joined the Scotland set-up and encountered the likes of Dalglish and Souness."

whoopee. agreed with him on 4 players: Schmeichel, Giggs, Scholes and Keane. they've been there at OT, and proved themselves time and again. denying them of a world-class spot is ridiculous! these four are irreplaceable! before we got vds as keeper, we had to make do with howard and carroll and they're nothing compared to schmikes. SAF will have to travel to hell to find the replacements for the latter three. i mean, carrick is good, but he's more of a scholes than a keane. and MU will really miss giggsy's and scholesy's contribution when they call it quits.

anyway, just came back from holidays yesterday. went to johor baharu for 3 days. visited danga bay and tebrau city. they're okay. tebrau city is a bit like vivo city. huge, broad and have countless shops. in short, a typical sighseeing holiday for me, urban-style.

and in my puteri pacific hotel room, i found out alan pardew was sacked as west ham manager. when i heard it, i was so shocked. it's not right. pardew gives it all for his west ham boys. but they're just not winning, that's all. so what? if curbishley doesn't deliver, he'll be kicked out as well? west ham will be in ruins. just look at newcastle, and what shephard's done to it. *fumes silently* you'd think these bloody owners will at least be reasonable when it comes to things like these...rome wasn't built in a day, so is a football club's success...

11:40 pm

Monday, December 11, 2006

ok, so the contacts for the reunion are looking up great.. the guys are almost settled, only left the girls.. looks like it'll be happening after all..

got ahli fiqir's latest song, feat pop shuvit, entitled Suara Kaki Lima (Voices of the Streets). as usual, i love their hip hop beats and mawar berduri's voice. her voice has that certain lenggok (swaying) that i'm certain is pairable with traditional malay songs. compared to other hip hop rnb malay groups, ahli fiqir stands out because of the message behind their song and the powerful malay words they use. take for example their song, Tik Tok Simpati (Tik Tok Sympathy). they highlight the fact that we see wars and disasters being reported on tv, and how we always feel sorry for them. but as soon as we switch off the tv, we just forget about it; the feeling doesn't last. and their break mentions something like, those people don't need our plastic sympathy; to them it's nothing more than rubbish. this is one thing about ahli fiqir that i really like. they deliver a strong topic through an upbeat song, and not only that, they're effective in conveying what they mean. when one of the male rappers was doing the break, the way he said "hanyalah secebis sampah [echoed]!!", that really shook me up. it's exciting that their songs are based on things like this, and also about the malays in a bid to get them to strive forward harder.

reading live text commentary of the chelsea-arsenal match..it's only 30 minutes but things are already heating up..should be an interesting game..

12:17 am

Friday, December 08, 2006

one of my primary school friends, john, and i discussed about who's our alltime fave player for MU. he says it's Giggs. I said it's Scholes, and then Giggs. haha..it's really hard to choose.. i love both of them, and honestly, MU is just average without them in the squad. problems always arises when both gets injured. nobody can beat giggsy on the wings, especially not richardson. i tell you, he's crap. i don't even know why he's still at MU, and Rossi was loaned out, not him. and when scholes was out for a long period last season, man, the midfield really suffered. a better description will be effed up a hell lot. MU needs them.

and the reunion plan just looks more messed up than before. and obviously i'm getting pissed.

earlier, i tried to do my a-maths pre-sec 3 practise.. and dammit, i just can't remember how to do them. at all. and i have a fecking test on the first week of school. which school has a bloody test on the first week of school? but i guess it's all in their plans to make sure we do well in maths. but guess what? i'm gonna fail that test.

i don't know what the hell is wrong today. everything just seems so fecked up. and i'm swearing a hell lot for the first time in what, a year?

10:36 pm

Thursday, December 07, 2006

thank you Nelson from Benfica for giving us the wake up call that propelled us to victory!!! if it wasn't for you, we'd have kissed the last 16 spot for the UEFA Champions League GOODBYE!

yup, manchester united went 0-1 down in the first 30 minutes after some really lousy, dead ball passing and crossing. simao suddenly crossed the ball to nelson, who thundered in a half-volley and left united fans biting their nails.

suddenly, after that stinging kick in the back, they're wide awake and start counter attacking. giggs sent in a corner kick and vidic jumped high to head it in and it's 1-1 ! stredford end went chaotic.

Fergie must have said something to the lads, somewhere along the lines of "don't you dare come back without a win" because they're a really threatening side in the 2nd half. ryan giggs headed in the second for the Reds in the 61st minute after a really sublime cross from cristiano ronaldo.
ronnie was on the right wing, then he stopped, surveyed Benfica's box and sent in a cross that has the word SWEET all over it. and up goes giggsy, heads it in and ran over to the left wing to celebrate in one swift momentum.

when giggsy was subbed by fletcher, he received a standing ovation. and as the camera pans across the home crowd, a guy shouted out, "I told you he's our Man of the Match." class.

15 min from time, fletcher swung in a corner in a way i never thought he's capable of. but he accomplished it and saha headed in the winner to make it 3-1 for manchester united! as celtic lost to copenhagen, we topped the group!

this means we may face: Inter Milan, Barcelona, Real Madrid or AS Roma in the last 16. ok, it's not a good thing, but at least we'll get some action!

let me quote Alex Ferguson to sum up this whole thing:
There is no greater spectacle than the sight of Manchester United chasing a goal.

11:22 pm

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

if most people commit suicide by jumping off a building, or hanging themselves from the ceiling, singaporeans have found a much more innovative and more painful way to commit suicide: by jumping onto the mrt tracks.

this morning was the 2nd time in four days in the 1st week of december that someone has decided to end their life by getting themselves hit by a train. 3 days ago, a 25-yr-old chinese man jumped onto the mrt tracks at Admiralty, and according to my reliable inside source, died in a rather gruesome way. his body was almost severed into half. and the incident happened on a saturday afternoon, when the train is packed with people coming back from work and teens waiting to go to Vivo City. so when the train was forced to stop at Woodlands... imagine the mrt station. overflooded with people all rushing to ride the free shuttle buses at the taxi stand. and they were lining up on either sides of the road, it looks like they're welcoming the president or something. and at the mrt station, there was this guy who took the opportunity to snap a shot (using his camera phone) of the digital sign saying: Disruption - No train service from Woodlands to Sembawang. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

but this morning, a Tuesday, a guy opted to jump onto the tracks at Yishun, which is along the Marina Bay train route where there are a lot of offices at stops like City Hall and Raffles Place at - guess what time- at 7am!! can you believe it?? the time when everyone's rushing to the office. and the poor fella ended his life at that period of time. the train had to be delayed for 1 hour, and with everybody rushing to get to work... imagine the scene as they have to change trains.

now, honestly, i don't mind if this thing happens next year, when i'm on my reluctant way to school. some fella jumps off, train delayed for 1 hour plus and i can stroll in to school at 9am.. haha.. there's even time to go to McDonald's for breakfast..

but to the masses, these deaths are more annoying than shocking. in fact, i think SMRT should set aside a time so people can just jump onto the tracks without disrupting others. so maybe they should put a sign: from this time to this time, you are free to do anything you want on the mrt tracks. our staff will be deaf and blind at this time. i know it's offensive, but seriously, it's irritating.

however, on a more serious note, i'd like to issue an apology and also extend my deepest condolences to all those affected by these incidents. May God bless their souls.

11:24 pm

Monday, December 04, 2006

was reading through redcafe.net and found this thread that was discussing about divers. or rather, did Cristiano Ronaldo dived in the Boro match to win the penalty and free kick?

(ok, so here i regretfully admit that, YES, Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aviero dived - or seems like it, but don't kill me, Ronnie, please - to win the free kick. but NO, he DID NOT DIVE to win the penalty. in fact, he had no wish at all to win a penalty.

and on a brighter note, he doesn't dive as much as he used to. look at the comparison in regards to winning a penalty in this game:

Old Ronnie would have thrown himself at the goalkeeper and rolled about on the floor.

New Ronnie, sees the goalkeeper coming at him, braces himself for a fall, goalkeeper missed him, change of direction caused him to stumble, not fall over dramatically. If you notice he never once asked for the penalty.

and he's always getting picked on and labelled Diver by fans because a) he's in the portuguese world cup squad b) portugal kicked england out of the world cup c) he was a sensational diver last season (again, Ronnie, don't kill me).

ok, so we go to reason a and b. it's not just ronaldo who dives in the premiership. drogba, robben and reyes does a better job at it. and the english players do it too. (i love these guys but apparently) rooney, gerrard, owen and shearer does it too. and nobody kicks up a big fuss. so how come every time ronaldo wins a penalty, no matter how legally, it's still considered diving?

reason c is mostly his fault. but he's more matured now, and trying to reduce diving. so give him a chance, people.)

but you see, there's different ways to dive, and ultimately cheat.

quoting noodlehair from redcafe.net:

There's the ones that run at people, then just throw themselves on the floor, like Ronaldo, Pires, and Reyes.

There's the ones that act like big fairies, pretending to be injured all the time, like Drogba, or Reyes.

Then there's the sneaky cunts, who con the ref in every way possible, and keep elbowing people in the face, like Ferguson, Diouf, and Reyes

sensing a pattern here?

3:52 pm

the one

Nur Syafiqah Ahmad Jaaffar ex-WGPS 6E'04 Crescent Girl's School syaf_316@hotmail.com

i'm in slytherin!
be sorted @ nimbo.net

tell me the truth


Siti Humaira
Tasneem TKGS
Shi jia

the past matters

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
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January 2009


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